Dom Zawody sportowe Działanie BattleTale boss fight fangame
BattleTale boss fight fangame

BattleTale boss fight fangame

Działanie 2.4.2 112.4 MB

by Verdurakh Mar 17,2025

Dive into the epic world of Battletale, a Genocide-style battle app where you orchestrate your own unforgettable fights! Craft custom attacks and unleash them on a roster of characters inspired by Undertale, along with unique creations and seasonal themes. Explore never-before-seen AUs, including

BattleTale boss fight fangame Zrzut ekranu 0
BattleTale boss fight fangame Zrzut ekranu 1
BattleTale boss fight fangame Zrzut ekranu 2
BattleTale boss fight fangame Zrzut ekranu 3
Opis aplikacji

Zanurz się w epickim świecie Battletale , aplikacji bitewnej w stylu ludobójstwa, w której organizujesz własne niezapomniane walki! Wykonaj niestandardowe ataki i uwolnij je na listy postaci inspirowanych Undertale, wraz z unikalnymi dziełami i sezonowymi motywami.

Explore never-before-seen AUs, including Gemuard, Royal Guard, Gaster, Neo 2, AI, and Kimiko. Test your mettle against endless soul modes in the leaderboard challenge, pushing your skills to the limit until you fall. Conquer the weekly Entity challenge, a formidable foe demanding your best strategy.

Unleash your creativity in the custom entity editor, combining elements to design your ultimate boss battle. Share your creations with friends or challenge yourself with battles crafted by others. Możliwości są nieograniczone!

What's New in Version 2.4.2

Ostatnia aktualizacja 30 października 2024

  • Added Asriel star as a new attack option.
  • Resolved various crashes and bugs for a smoother gameplay experience.


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