Yacht Club Games, the creators of the beloved Shovel Knight series, recently celebrated a remarkable ten-year anniversary, expressing heartfelt thanks to their dedicated fans. The journey began with the release of the original Shovel Knight game in 2014, launching the studio and its iconic blue knight into the global spotlight.
Shovel Knight, a series of critically acclaimed action-platformers, instantly captivated players with its retro 8-bit charm, precise controls, and challenging gameplay reminiscent of classic NES titles. The first installment, Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope, saw the titular knight embark on a quest to rescue Shield Knight, battling a colorful cast of enemies and bosses.
In a celebratory message, Yacht Club Games reflected on the past decade, describing the success of Shovel of Hope – initially conceived as a homage to classic gaming – as nothing short of surreal. The studio confirmed its continued commitment to the franchise, promising more Shovel Knight adventures are on the horizon. They extended their gratitude to the loyal community and welcomed newcomers to the fold.
A New Shovel Knight Game and More!
To mark this milestone, Yacht Club Games unveiled Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX, a revamped version of the original game boasting 20 playable characters, online multiplayer, and quality-of-life improvements such as rewind and save states. Even more exciting, a brand-new Shovel Knight sequel is in development, hinting at innovative gameplay and a potential leap into the 3D realm. This marks a significant evolution for the series, which has consistently grown through expansions, spin-offs, and updates over the past ten years.
Currently, players can enjoy significant savings on the US Nintendo Store, with Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon (plus DLC), and Shovel Knight Dig all available at a 50% discount. This offers a perfect opportunity to experience or revisit these acclaimed indie titles.
The success of Shovel Knight is undeniable. With over 1.2 million copies sold across physical and digital platforms, the series has garnered widespread critical acclaim and numerous awards. Looking ahead, Yacht Club Games remains dedicated to crafting exceptional gaming experiences, fueled by gratitude and a passion for creating memorable adventures.