Дом Новости Infinity Nikki: Soaring Above The Starry Sky Quest Guide

Infinity Nikki: Soaring Above The Starry Sky Quest Guide

Jan 22,2025 Автор: Nicholas

Infinity Nikki features numerous legendary creatures, some accessible via quests, others hidden, demanding thorough exploration. Examples include the Dawn Fox, Tulletail, Bullquet, and the Astral Swan.

Acquiring the Astral Feather from the Astral Swan is possible even without the associated quest, but the quest provides valuable context. This quest is titled "Soaring Above the Starry Sky."

Soaring Above the Starry Sky Quest in Infinity Nikki

To begin, locate the Stellar Fishing Ground Peak Warp Spire and interact with Curious Pinny. The quest directs you to Lensie's house (easily found using the in-game map tracker). Next, you must groom the Astral Swan, equip the Floral Gliding outfit, and fly with it.

Following the flight, complete these steps:

  1. Return to Pinny and Lensie.
  2. Find Elron in Stoneville.

Grooming the Astral Swan in Infinity Nikki

Grooming is simple: use the Bye-Bye Dust or a similar grooming Ability Outfit. This also yields the Astral Feather material.

Equipping the Floral Gliding Outfit in Infinity Nikki

Equip the Floral Gliding Ability Outfit to initiate flight. For reliability, change into this complete outfit set from your wardrobe.

Flying with the Astral Swan in Infinity Nikki

Activate the Floral Gliding outfit near the Astral Swan to trigger a cutscene. To successfully complete the flight, maintain proximity to the Swan and avoid drifting.

During the flight, press the "Soar" button when prompted. Once the Swan begins its descent, do not deactivate the Floral Gliding outfit until the Swan has fully landed. Prematurely ending the flight will prevent mission progression. A successful flight advances the quest.

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