Apex Legends is facing a serious decline in players, mirroring the struggles of Overwatch. The game's recent struggles include rampant cheating, persistent bugs, and an unpopular new battle pass. This is reflected in a consistently decreasing peak player count, a trend only comparable to the game's initial launch period.
Image: steamdb.info
Several factors contribute to Apex Legends' woes. Limited Time Events offer minimal new content beyond cosmetic skins. Issues like cheating, flawed matchmaking, and a lack of gameplay diversity are driving players away to competing titles.
The arrival of Marvel Heroes has exacerbated the problem, drawing players not only from Overwatch but also from Apex Legends. Fortnite's continued popularity and diverse offerings further compound the challenge. Respawn Entertainment faces significant pressure to address these issues and introduce substantial new content to retain its player base. The coming months will be crucial in determining their success in this endeavor.