Home News Black Ops 6 & Warzone: How To Unlock All AMR Mod 4 Camos & Attachments

Black Ops 6 & Warzone: How To Unlock All AMR Mod 4 Camos & Attachments

Mar 17,2025 Author: Isaac

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone deliver intense action, whether you're in a 6v6 Multiplayer match or battling in Warzone Resurgence. Beyond the thrilling gameplay, both games offer a wealth of unlocks, some requiring specific challenge completions.

Season 1 introduces the AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle to the expansive arsenal in Black Ops 6 and Warzone, complete with its own camos and unique attachments to master. This guide details how to unlock every AMR Mod 4 camo and attachment.

All AMR Mod 4 Camos

Multiplayer Camos

Camo TypeCamoHow To UnlockMilitary CamosGraniteGraniteGet 5 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4WoodlandWoodlandGet 10 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4SavannaSavannaGet 15 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4SplinterSplinterGet 20 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4MossMossGet 30 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4SaboteurSaboteurGet 40 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4DigitalDigitalGet 50 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4TideTideGet 75 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4Red TigerRed TigerGet 100 headshot kills with the AMR Mod 4Special CamosShadow ThornShadow ThornUnlock all Military Camos for the AMR Mod 4 in Multiplayer
Get 30 one-shot kills with the AMR Mod 4Tidal HarmonyTidal HarmonyUnlock all Military Camos for the AMR Mod 4 in Multiplayer
Get 2 kills without reloading 10 times with the AMR Mod 4Mastery CamosGoldGoldUnlock all Multiplayer Special Camos for the AMR Mod 4
Get 10 double kills with the AMR Mod 4DiamondDiamondUnlock Gold for the AMR Mod 4
Unlock Gold on 3 other Sniper Rifles
Get 3 kills without dying 10 times with the AMR Mod 4Dark SpineDark SpineUnlock Diamond for the AMR Mod 4
Unlock Diamond on 33 other weapons
Get 3 triple kills with the AMR Mod 4Dark MatterDark MatterUnlock Dark Spine for the AMR Mod 4
Unlock Dark Spine on 33 other weapons
Get 5 kills without dying 3 times with the AMR Mod 4

Zombies Camos

Camo TypeCamoHow To UnlockMilitary CamosSlateSlateGet 100 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4DesertDesertGet 200 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4EvergreenEvergreenGet 300 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4RuggedRuggedGet 400 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4GrimGrimGet 600 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4StripeStripeGet 800 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4OceanicOceanicGet 1000 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4WhiteoutWhiteoutGet 1500 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4Purple TigerPurple TigerGet 2000 critical kills with the AMR Mod 4Special CamosScarthornScarthornUnlock all Military Camos on the AMR Mod 4 in Zombies
Get 5 critical kills rapidly 15 times with the AMR Mod 4Marine SwirlMarine SwirlUnlock all Military Camos on the AMR Mod 4 in Zombies
Get 10 kills without reloading 15 times with the AMR Mod 4Mastery CamosMystic GoldMystic GoldUnlock both AMR Mod 4 Special Camos in Zombies
Get 10 kills rapidly 15 times with the AMR Mod 4OpalOpalUnlock Mystic Gold on the AMR Mod 4
Unlock Mystic Gold on two other Sniper Rifles
Get 30 Special Zombie kills with the AMR Mod 4AfterlifeAfterlifeUnlock Opal on the AMR Mod 4
Unlock Opal on 33 other weapons
Get 20 kills without taking damage 10 times with the AMR Mod 4NebulaNebulaUnlock Afterlife on the AMR Mod 4
Unlock Afterlife on 33 other weapons
Get 10 Elite Zombie eliminations with the AMR Mod 4

Warzone Camos

Camo TypeCamoHow To UnlockMilitary CamosQuartzQuartzGet 5 kills with the AMR Mod 4TundraTundraGet 10 kills with the AMR Mod 4CanyonCanyonGet 15 kills with the AMR Mod 4PinePineGet 20 kills with the AMR Mod 4UndergrowthUndergrowthGet 30 kills with the AMR Mod 4SnakeskinSnakeskinGet 40 kills with the AMR Mod 4SiberiaSiberiaGet 50 kills with the AMR Mod 4SmolderSmolderGet 75 kills with the AMR Mod 4Blue TigerBlue TigerGet 100 kills with the AMR Mod 4Special CamosBramblethornBramblethornUnlock all Military Camos on the AMR Mod 4 in Warzone
Get 2 kills within 30 seconds 5 times with the AMR Mod 4Sunlit ShoalSunlit ShoalUnlock all Military Camos on the AMR Mod 4 in Warzone
Get 2 kills while prone within 20 seconds 5 times with the AMR Mod 4Mastery CamosGold TigerGold TigerUnlock both AMR Mod 4 Special Camos in Warzone
Get 5 eliminations whilst being the Most Wanted target with the AMR Mod 4King's RansomKing's RansomUnlock Gold Tiger on the AMR Mod 4
Unlock Gold Tiger on 3 other Sniper Rifles
Get 3 kills without dying 5 times with the AMR Mod 4CatalystCatalystUnlock King's Ransom on the AMR Mod 4
Unlock King's Ransom on 33 other weapons
Kill 5 Operators affected by your Stun Grenade, Flash Grenade, or Shock Charge with the AMR Mod 4AbyssAbyssUnlock Catalyst on the AMR Mod 4
Unlock Catalyst on 33 other weapons
Get 5 kills without dying 2 times with the AMR Mod 4

All AMR Mod 4 Attachments

The AMR Mod 4 offers extensive customization, with numerous attachment combinations to create your ideal sniper loadout. Most attachments unlock through the weapon's 39 levels; some shared Optics are tied to other weapons' level progression. Below is a complete list:


AttachmentProsConsIron SightImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedKepler MicroflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope GlintPrismaTech ReflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope GlintRedwell ReflexImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedMedium Sniper Scope GlintK&S Red DotImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope GlintKepler Red DotImproved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope GlintOM3 '92 Holo1.5x Magnification
Improved Aim Down Sight SpeedLarge Sniper Scope GlintACCU-Spot Ultra Holo3x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintWillis 3x3x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintPrismaTech 4x4x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintDobrych 4x4x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintK&S Thermal Holo1.5x Magnification
Thermal Target IdentificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintPinpoint HybridDual Optics Toggle
4.5x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintPrismaPoint HybridDual Optics Toggle
4.5x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintR&K Multizoom3x & 7x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintRemuda Range Finder4.5x Magnification
Target Range IndicatorLarge Sniper Scope Glint
Reduced Aim Down Sight SpeedBlandwell 7x Scope7x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintRemuda Dual Zoom11x & 6x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope GlintVMF Variable Scope12x, 4x, & 8x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
Reduced Aim Down Sight SpeedRedwell Custom Zoom6x, 10x, & 14x MagnificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
Reduced Aim Down Sight SpeedOtero Thermal 2x2x Magnification
Thermal Target IdentificationLarge Sniper Scope Glint
Reduced Aim Down Sight SpeedThermal 6x6x Magnification
Thermal Target IdentificationReduced Aim Down Sight Speed


AttachmentProsConsSuppressorNo Ping On The Minimap When FiringCompensatorImproved Vertical Recoil ControlMuzzle BreakImproved First Shot Recoil Control
Improved Kick Reset SpeedPorted CompensatorImproved First Shot Recoil Control
Improved Vertical Recoil Control


AttachmentProsConsGain-Twist BarrelBullet VelocityLong BarrelDamage RangeReinforced BarrelDamage Range
Bullet VelocityShort BarrelImproved Jumping Aim Down Sight Speed
Improved Jumping Sprint to Fire SpeedCHF BarrelIncreased Legs Hit Location MultiplierReduced Horizontal Recoil Control
Reduced Vertical Recoil Control
Reduced Aim Down Sight Speed


AttachmentProsConsWeighted PadImproved Horizontal Recoil ControlLightweight PadReduced Aiming Idle SwayMarksman PadImproved Aim Down Sight FocusPrecision PadReduced Aiming Idle Sway
Improved Horizontal Recoil ControlRanger PadImproved Horizontal Recoil Control
Improved Sprinting Speed


AttachmentProsConsExtended Mag IIncreased Ammo CapacityReduced Reload QuicknessFast Mag IImproved Reload Quickness
Improved Aim Down Sight Speed
Improved Sprint to Fire SpeedsReduced Magazine Ammo CapacityExtended Mag IIIncreased Ammo CapacityReduced Aim Down Sight Speed
Reduced Reload Quickness
Reduced Sprint to Fire SpeedFast Mag IIImproved Reload Quickness
Improved Aim Down Sight Speed




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