Delta Force, previously known as Delta Force: Hawk Ops, is now accepting pre-registrations for its mobile release on iOS and Android. Launching in late January 2025, this Tencent-developed title aims to revitalize the classic military shooter franchise. The game boasts diverse missions and modes, emphasizing tactical gameplay.
For those unfamiliar, Delta Force is a long-standing FPS series predating Call of Duty, known for its realistic combat, advanced gadgets, and authentic weaponry. Tencent's Level Infinite has faithfully recreated the experience, including a Warfare mode offering large-scale battles and an Operations mode focusing on extraction gameplay. A single-player campaign inspired by the Battle of Mogadishu (and the film "Black Hawk Down") is also planned for 2025.
Addressing Cheating Concerns
Despite high anticipation, Delta Force has faced controversy regarding its approach to combating cheaters. Tencent's anti-cheat measures, while aggressive, have drawn criticism. While the impact on the mobile version remains to be seen, the PC release's stringent anti-cheat policies have already alienated some potential players. The mobile platform, however, offers a potentially less susceptible environment for cheating.
The mobile release of Delta Force presents a fresh opportunity for players to experience this iconic franchise. To discover other top mobile shooters, explore our list of the 15 best iOS shooters!