NetEase Games unveiled their charming life sim, Floatopia, at Gamescom, promising a multi-platform release, including Android, sometime in 2025. This whimsical game features a world of floating islands and quirky characters with unique abilities.
A Cute Apocalypse
The trailer depicts a post-apocalyptic world, but one brimming with charm. Humans possess varied supernatural powers, some more useful than others. Players will discover the potential in seemingly insignificant abilities.
As the Island Manager, you’ll engage in familiar life-sim activities: farming, fishing, and decorating your airborne home. Explore exotic locations, meet new characters, and host island parties with friends—or keep your paradise all to yourself, as multiplayer is optional.
Meet a cast of colorful characters, each with their own unique personality and powers.
While a precise release date is yet to be announced, pre-registration is available on the official website.
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