Dive into the enchanting world of magical girls with the upcoming mobile game, Magia Exedra! A recently released teaser trailer, available in both English and Japanese, unveils a mysterious narrative. The trailer depicts a girl, stripped of her memories, standing within a shadowy lighthouse – a sanctuary harboring the recollections of magical girls. This discovery hints at a captivating storyline where players assist the heroine in piecing together her past. Think of it as a magical girl memory puzzle, but with a more relaxed pace.
Global Release Hopes
The English-language trailer has ignited excitement among fans, fueling speculation of a simultaneous global launch, unlike the delayed release of Magia Record. The English Twitter account further supports this possibility, promising a worldwide release, a significant improvement for international fans. This fresh start offers the developers a chance to learn from previous experiences, hopefully resulting in a smoother player experience.
Magia Exedra promises a captivating new addition to the Madoka Magica universe, introducing a new amnesiac heroine alongside familiar faces. The mystery surrounding the lighthouse and the memories it holds promises an intriguing journey. Prepare for magical girl battles and unraveling the secrets within!
The game's release is slated for 2024. Stay updated via their official website for further announcements.
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