Celebrating 25 years of Nintendo's iconic crossover fighting game, we finally have the official story behind the name "Super Smash Bros.," directly from its creator, Masahiro Sakurai.
Sakurai Unveils the "Smash Bros." Naming Story
Super Smash Bros., a beloved franchise featuring characters from Nintendo's vast game library, has a name that might seem a bit misleading. Few characters are actually brothers, and the roster includes many female fighters. So, why "Super Smash Bros."? While Nintendo never officially explained it before, Sakurai recently revealed the answer!
In a recent YouTube video, Sakurai explained the name originated from the game's core concept: "friends settling minor disputes." He credits the late Satoru Iwata, former Nintendo president, for a significant contribution to the title.
Sakurai recounted a brainstorming session with various team members and Shigesato Itoi (creator of the Mother/EarthBound series) to finalize the name. Iwata's crucial input was the "brothers" element. While acknowledging the characters weren't literally brothers, Iwata felt the term subtly conveyed a sense of camaraderie and friendly rivalry, emphasizing that the fights were about resolving disagreements rather than outright animosity.
Beyond the name's origin, Sakurai also shared personal anecdotes about his relationship with Iwata, including Iwata's direct involvement in programming the original Super Smash Bros. prototype, then known as Dragon King: The Fighting Game for the Nintendo 64.